Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Bright Tomorrows in Pocatello, ID, works with partners in eastern Idaho to respond to an increase in child sexual abuse cases.  http://blackfootjournal.com/child-sex-abuse-cases/

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Trauma Informed Care Tip Sheets

OJJDP's Safe Start Center offers a number of free online resources including information about the trauma informed care along with links to tip sheets, guides, and other publications on children exposed to violence.  You can find tip sheets for parents and practitioners by following this link:  http://www.safestartcenter.org/resources/tip-sheets.php

Monday, September 17, 2012

Parenting Children Who Have Experienced Trauma

Although these presentation materials were aimed at adoptive and foster parents, the information covered would be helpful for anyone parenting a child who has experienced significant trauma.  The presentation used materials developed by NCTSN.  Here are the links:


The information provided in this blog is intended to help readers access a wide variety of information related to the work of Children's Advocacy Centers and should not be seen as an endorsement of any particular model or approach and does not necessarily reflect the views of Western Regional CAC, Safe Passage CAC, or OJJDP.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Preventing Domestic and Sexual Violence in Indian Country

A bulletin prepared by the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium and the Alaska Native Epidemiology Center presents data about domestic and sexual violence among Native Americans of all ages.  You can find it at:


The information provided in this blog is intended to help readers access a wide variety of information related to the work of Children's Advocacy Centers and should not be seen as an endorsement of any particular model or approach and does not necessarily reflect the views of Western Regional CAC, Safe Passage CAC, or OJJDP.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Thinking About the Way We Share Stories

Stories are very powerful.  They have a way of connecting with people that statistics and descriptions of services do not.  Although we like to think that we make decisions based on a rational examination of the facts, emotion plays a large factor in our decision making process. 

So, how do we share the stories of our clients, our teams, our organizations?  What are our ethical responsibilites?  This two-part article in PhilanTopic discusses the ethical considerations of story telling.
