by Lynn Rioth, Outreach Coordinator
the same way that the ACE (Adverse Childhood Experience) study demonstrated the link between adverse
childhood experiences and physical ailments, the Education Law Clinic at Harvard Law School
is advocating for the creation of trauma-sensitive schools. Children suffering
from PTSD as a result of neglect, abuse, homelessness, or severe bullying are
falling through the cracks. Joel Ristuccia, one of the trauma experts quoted in the article, stated “It’s only
in the last 10 years that we’ve gotten a complete picture of how significantly
trauma can affect kid’s learning.”
The article, For the Children Who Fell Through the Cracks, by Jon Marcus, cites a study of elementary students in Spokane, WA that found higher rates of acting out, bringing problems into the classroom or skipping school among children who had been exposed to trauma. According to the article, "U.S.
schools suspend more than 3.3 million students annually, according to the National Education Policy
Center , 95 percent for
reasons other than using drugs or carrying weapons. In Massachusetts , many students who were
expelled from school in their own district just dropped out of the educational
system, since no other district had to take them.”
The Education Law Clinic asked
parents if their children who had been expelled from school had previously been
exposed to violence. “We were shocked at
how many parents were saying, “Yes, “said Susan Cole, founder of the clinic.