Friday, December 16, 2011

A message to you from the children of Quinhagak, Alaska

The Yup'ik are aboriginal people of western Alaska.

The village of Quinhagak, Alaska -- population 680 -- is primarily Yup'ik.

The fifth grade school kids in tiny Quinhagak decided they wanted to send a message to the other Yup'ik Eskimo villages in the area.

So they used the small school's computer and made this little video and sent it to those other villages.

They were shocked at what happened next.......because it was picked up by the internet and already one million people around the world have watched it.

Here is their message to you, from the fifth grade Yup'ik school kids in Quinhagak:

Thanks to Diane Payne from Justice for Native Children for sharing this with us so we can share it with you.

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